Website evaluation essay
Injustice Essay Topics
Monday, August 24, 2020
Racial discrimination Essay
The period of Jim Crow isolation will everlastingly be connected with racial separation and the push for social liberties following Reconstruction.â The two most compelling dark men of the time, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois, were additionally two of the most polarizing powers inside the dark community.â Both men strived for racial equity according to the law, however they utilized differentiating methodologies so as to battle the desperate political and monetary circumstance African Americans wound up attempting to get away. With his initiative aptitudes and political store, Booker T. Washington was the most celebrated African American driving the dark dash into the twentieth Century.â His capacity expanded with his financial and political ties through the Tuskegee Institute and his relations with Presidents Roosevelt and Taft, both of whom were racially prejudiced.â Mr. Washington accepted that blacks ought to acknowledge their enslaved citizenship until further notice as opposed to unsettling the white population.â In his brain, if blacks could acquire a dollar through modern instruction they would be greatly improved off than battling the inert intensity of white society. On the opposite finish of the range, Harvard taught W.E.B. DuBois took the scholarly way to the racial struggle.â His hypothesis held that blacks ought to never acknowledge a lower position in the public eye since that was the way things were.â Through his works and arranging strategies, DuBois mobilized the intellectual elite, The Talented tenth, so as to raise dark awareness over the apparent visually impaired acknowledgment of Booker T. Washington.â DuBois was seriously restricted to racial isolation in both governmental issues and financial matters while Washington upheld a plan dependent on the division of the races. <p
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Examine The Key Ideas Of Two Critiques Of Religious Belief free essay sample
The super-conscience (the piece of your subliminal that urges you to act ethically it curbs hostile to social driving forces, for example, murdering, and by inciting trepidation and blame, it is urgent for human advancement) at that point replaces the dad as a SOL_Cree Of disguised position, which is gotten from the family, instruction and Church. God is a dad substitute and a projection of the super-personality. Freud accepted that man is subject to religion to make his defenselessness middle of the road and while he kept up this reliance he would never genuinely be happy.Freud understood that a sentiment of vulnerability even with outer risks, inward driving forces and demise and society, were at the course of religion. He saw that numerous strict customs were like over the top ceremonies. These are to ensure the inner self (the more basic piece of your psyche) from dreams, wants and particularly sexual driving forces which, are typically curbed. While Freud had some admirable sentiment a few scholars couldn't help contradicting his thoughts. We will compose a custom article test on Look at The Key Ideas Of Two Critiques Of Religious Belief or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Nelson and Jones couldn't help contradicting Freud feeling that the people relationship with God is subject to their relationship with their father.They found that the idea of God associated all the more profoundly with a people relationship with their mom than with their dad. Kate Elemental recognized projective religion (which is youthful) and inborn religion (which is not kidding and relative) Freud expected all parts of religion were juvenile. While not every single strict conviction are youthful and can be viewed as genuine and relative. Arthur Guardian trusted Freud exaggerated the association between confidence in God and psychopathology propensities. He trusted Frauds position was similarly as masochist as the strict distractions of others. Freud has no strong irrefutable proof for his reasons and forms a hasty opinion, the way that strict devotees make a hasty judgment about their convictions. Adkins, a notable skeptic and researcher studies religion in four distinct manners. Right off the bat he contends that strict conviction isn't essential, he contends that a Dianna world view makes religion pointless. He excuses the conviction that there is any extreme centrality on the planet or individuals, He contends rather that our reality is an occurrence, and there is no requirement for any more noteworthy criticalness, or clarification of how we stick into reality, and the fact of the matter is that we exist.Adkins likewise contends that conviction about perfect creation are basically confidence claims, they are visually impaired, conviction based actions. He accepts that strict conviction shields us from investigating the world further as, on the off chance that we can say that God did everything, there is no requirement for another clarification. Also, he expresses that to accept that we were made for a reason, and that there is reason and importance outside this world isn't right and an unjustifiable supposition. At long last, most insultingly Adkins looks at religion to a virus.He thinks about the manner in which religion spreads to an infection that influences the brain. He connects religion with things, for example, deceiving instruction, preference and affecting trepidation. He contends that key strict convictions appear simply in light of the fact that somebody however of them. On the off chance that the pope was to guarantee that something happened just in light of the fact that God disclosed to him then everybody would acknowledge it as a reality, since that is the manner in which religion works, and isn't solid or even honest now and again. Does one of the contentions exhibit that there is no God?Neither contentions plainly showed that there is no God in any case, most contentions for the presence of God dont demonstrate that there is a God, as it is difficult to demonstrate in the case of something does or doesn't exist if there is no strong irrefutable proof possibly in support of i t. Adkins contention that strict convictions are pointless doesn't refute the presence of God it just expresses that a God doesn't need to exist. Because he isn't required for people to endure doesn't demonstrate his non-existence.Moreover to guarantee that strict convictions resemble an infection that impacts the psyche isn't a powerful method to invalidate God. He contends cap its lessons are untrustworthy however this doesn't legitimately refute God, most legend have a premise in realities, to just say that every strict educating are lies is wrong, and for somebody with a logical psyche, to ignore the entirety of the perspectives is anything but an extremely logical perspective, as a researcher you ought to consider all angles.Adkins claims that do ignore logical proof and different perspectives is intolerant and not advantageous to people, over he is blameworthy of very similar things, to excuse strict perspectives so rapidly with no strong proof regarding whether God does or doesn't exist, to just excuse the chance of a God is biased.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Learn From English IStaar Essay Samples
Learn From English IStaar Essay SamplesEnglish IStaar Essay samples are widely available online. These include interactive tutorials and resource materials to help students learn. It is essential that every student, especially beginners, gets a chance to learn from these resources.If students find the English IStaar Essay samples difficult to use, it might be due to the complexity of the material. For instance, the lesson for the problem solving in this essay sample is very complex. Students may not understand all the information. This is why most English IStaar Essay samples have certain themes and topics included.There are several themes and topics included in many of the sample lessons. The subjects may include nationality, work ethics, education, literature, weather, politics, and other major topics. The topics may not be so interesting to students, especially beginners. There are a number of introductory lessons and activities that will be easier for them to learn.In addition, t hese courses are available for students to use even before they take the actual exam. Since this curriculum has been used by some universities for years, it is probably one of the best written resources out there. It also provides students with the basis to practice on the real exam. This is important for students to build their knowledge base when taking the exam.The materials come in a book or a course in the textbook format. Some of the materials include a discussion forum, reference materials, audio files, and games. There are also a number of multimedia presentations. The English IStaar Essay sample is one of the easiest resources for students to use.The textbook format of this course is fairly simple. Instead of learning everything in one lesson, students can learn about different topics from each lesson. This is beneficial for students, since they can have a crash course before a test. Most of the assignments involve a project.Because students learn so much from the English I Staar Essay samples, it is important that they learn at their own pace. If a student is overwhelmed with too much information, he or she may need to use an online tutorial. An online tutorial may be used for a more advanced level of reading comprehension.There are so many ways that students can learn from the English IStaar Essay samples. For students who are new to this type of material, there are introductory lessons that will ease their way. Students who are not quite sure how they will be able to deal with the project assignments and the essay themselves may use an online tutorial or a textbook to help them learn.
Friday, May 22, 2020
2 Life Lessons From Joan Didion
This week, on December 5th, Joan Didion, literary journalist and novelist, turned 79. One of the greatest American essayists (and memoirists), she walked a long path of life, leaving her reflections, thoughts and experiences within her works. Almost eight decades spent on the Earththere must have been plenty of raw material for good stories. Extreme mix of optimism and nostalgia, grief and pleasure, past and future, which is shown in her stories, was not created for pure entertainment. There are many important lessons one can learn from Joan Didions novels and articles, and the most valuable two are about attitude towards the past. Do Not Forget About Your Past In one of essay collections by Joan Didion, entitled â€Å"Slouching Towards Bethlehem†, there is a short sketch called â€Å"On Keeping a Notebook†. It might not be the most famous of her works on memory-collecting and the ideas in it, may not be relevant to what people are used to reading in her essays. In this short piece Didion muses on what a personal notebook is. According to her, writing thoughts, ideas and feelings down might help you always remember, who you, your goals and values once were: â€Å"I think we are well advised to keep on nodding terms with the people we used to be, whether we find them attractive company or not. Otherwise they turn up unannounced and surprise us, come hammering on the minds door at 4 a.m. of a bad night and demand to know who deserted them, who betrayed them, who is going to make amends.†Do Not Let Your Past Consume You Joan Didions best-known novel was published in 2005 and was called â€Å"The Year of Magical Thinking†. In this novel the author reflects on the grief she experienced after her husbands death. â€Å"The magical thinking†term refers to the famous philosophical concept that, if acting positively, a person can avoid the cruelties of fate. When losing something (or someone) precious completely and irrevocably, we, nevertheless, always try desperately not to let our memories go. We gather everything we can find things, clothes, scents, notes, colors, photos (totems, as Didion states) – and, putting them altogether, try to pretend that these are not just dust and ashes. Clinging to our memories, we lose the valuable moments of present time. And perhaps this is where writing things down works. If to seal your grief and pain within written words, it might be easier for you to let hard feelings go. You will not forget a thing, but you will not live in your past anymore.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Global Initiative For Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease...
Yet another system significantly impacted by COPD is the musculoskeletal system. Especially in patients with COPD and emphysema there is a high risk for osteoporosis. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (2017) explains osteoporosis can occur for several reasons. For example, individuals with emphysema expend a high amount of energy and calories to breathe; which can lead to weight loss, muscle wasting, and decreased in bone density. Furthermore, individuals who experience a COPD exacerbation are usually treated with systemic corticoid steroids; which greatly increases the likelihood of osteoporosis (p. 117). Despite this concern GOLD does still recommend systemic corticoid steroid use for exacerbations because†¦show more content†¦58-62). Albuterol is a short acting, and intended for use only in acute episodes of breathlessness. Duncan (2015) states â€Å"only 1 in 10 patients with a metered dose inhaler uses the correct technique†(p. 175 ). Therefore, especially with Albuterol HFA, it is important to teach both patients and their support persons the proper technique in using this inhaler with a spacer. Furthermore, it is important this teaching takes place at a time when the patient is not having an acute episode of breathlessness to ensure information is understood. Teach back, where a patient repeats back what they have just learn, is an effective method for ensuring correct inhaler technique. Fluticasone Propionate/Salmeterol Xinafoate (Advair Diskus 250 mcg/50 mcg) is an example of a combination long acting inhaled corticosteroid and a long acting bronchodilator. Turkoski, Lance, and Bonfiglio (2010), state the corticosteroid Fluticasone Propionate promotes â€Å"vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory activity [in the lungs]†( p.799) These authors also explain Salmeterol Xinafoate â€Å"relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by acting on beta2receptors†[in the lungs] (p. 1618). Davis et al. (2017) f ound that patients in their study who did not adhere to long acting inhaled corticosteroid and a long acting bronchodilator therapy had significantly higher rates of COPD exacerbations; and subsequently much higher healthcareShow MoreRelatedChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( Copd )807 Words  | 4 Pagesrevealed hyperinflated lungs and a flattening of the diaphragm, consistent with COPD. Question: What are the treatment options available to patients with COPD, and how are individualized assessments used to determine the most effective therapy? Generate: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a respiratory illness that progressively worsens over time. As seen in Mr. Adam’s case, symptoms include dyspnea, wheezing, and an occasional productive cough,.1 Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis are theRead MoreChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( Copd )1730 Words  | 7 PagesOver the years Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has been a vastly under-identified and under-treated, causing the World Health Organization (WHO) to undertake increased worldwide awareness concerning the disease. Thus the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) was created in order to educate the world and set standardized practices.1,2 COPD is defined by the chronic obstruction of the airway relating to inflammatory diseases of the bronchial tubes. The restrictiveRead MoreThe Causes Of Non-Communicable Diseases ( NCD )1117 Words  | 5 PagesNon-communicable diseases (NCDs) are diseases that result from a combi nation of physiological, genetic, behavioural or lifestyle and environmental causes (WHO, 2017). NCDs are not infectious and are not passed from one person to another. NCDs are also called chronic diseases because they tend to be diseases that have long durations. The global burden of NCDs accounts for about 70% of all global deaths annually (WHO, 2017). The burden of NCDs affects low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) disproportionatelyRead MoreChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( Copd )3320 Words  | 14 PagesChronic Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been known as umbrella diagnosis of multiple pulmonary disorders. COPD is a complex disorder that is very prevalent in the older adult population and causes significant complications in the older adult due to age related aspects and multiple co morbidities that are involved. According to the World Health Organization, COPD is defined as chronic obstruction of lung airflow that can be irreversible and results in decreas ed pulmonary lung function. COPDRead MoreChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( Copd )1921 Words  | 8 PagesChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is progressively common amongst patients within the United States. The disease is more common in patients with a long smoking history. Inflammatory changes are largely responsible for the development and symptoms of COPD. COPD is typically managed according to classification of severity based on the GOLD guidelines. Anoro Ellipta is a new once daily FDA approved drug. It is a combination of a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) and a long-acting b2-agonistRead MoreThe Importance Of Patient Reporting For Alternative Interventions751 Words  | 4 Pagesidentified studies. 2.3. Study selection and eligibility criteria Two authors independently determined the eligibility of studies by review of abstracts and, for studies judged potentially relevant on abstract review, through screening of full text articles with a standardized and piloted abstraction form. We resolved disagreement by discussion or through third party adjudication. We included studies that reported patient values and preferences of COPD patients. We set no limits on the type of study designRead MoreGenetically Induced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease2146 Words  | 9 PagesGenetically Induced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease is a disease of the lungs that damages the tubes that allow for respiration, thereby resulting in breathing trouble. This disease has a major effect on smokers. The purpose of the study was to focus not only on the effects smoking has on the prevalence of COPD, but also how it can be genetically induced. About 30 percent of people who are diagnosed with COPD have never even smoked. In this paper, theRead MoreChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease3277 Words  | 13 Pageshospital with a chief complaint of difficulty breathing; diagnosis includes congestive heart failure exacerbation (CHF) with pneumonia (PNA). He has a full code status. Past medical history includes congestive heart failure, COPD, peptic ulcer, chronic kidney disease stage 3, anemia, and hypernatremia. Patient is a widower who lives with son and consumes no alcohol or illicit drugs, he has is an ex-smoker with a 70 pack year history. Patient is a retired mechanic with no fam ily medical history on file;Read MoreThe Use of Home Mechanical Ventilation to Manage Chronic Ventilatory Failure 3944 Words  | 16 PagesHome mechanical ventilation (HMV) has been used as long-term ventilation for over 70 years to manage chronic ventilatory failure. In the United States, the first introduce of mechanical ventilation was by the use of the iron lung which used with polio victims (Tobin, 2006). Iron lung was the only way available that time to ventilate Poliomyelitis patients and injured army soldiers (Goldberg, 2002).In 1950s, the use of intermittent positive-pressure ventilation with mouth piece have began ,and inRead MoreChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Case Study1659 Words  | 7 PagesChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) occurs in the trachea and bronchi of the lungs. In a healthy, immunocompetent patient, flora, including viruses, are not usually present in the lower respiratory tract. However, Streptococcus spp., H. influenzae, Moraxella ca tarrhalis, Corynebacterium spp, Pseudomonas as well as others, can colonise in the lower respiratory tract.1 Gary has a past history of COPD and presented with increased cough and shortness of breath. These symptoms are consistent
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Robert Gray Free Essays
Composers often manipulate their chosen form of text to explore their concerns within the world. Throughout the poem The Late Ferry by Robert Gray the type of journey is seen to be long-term, emotional, confronting and challenging for individuals. Shaun Tan’s The Red Tree uses journey as being long-term, personal, confronting, emotional and mental. We will write a custom essay sample on Robert Gray or any similar topic only for you Order Now These are recognized by the usage of symbolism and metaphors. Robert Grays The Late Ferry contains a large amount of symbolism through the duration of the poem. The symbolism is what gives the audience an idea of what the journey itself is and what type of journey it may be. In the 1st stanza we see this symbolism as a mother watching her child leave her and enter the real world on their own â€Å"The late ferry is leaving now; I stay to watch from the balcony as it goes up onto the huge dark harbor†. This is exploring journey through the child leaving their mother and getting about on their own now, therefore for the child it is a journey of coming of age. Robert Gray can uncover journey to the audience by using light and darkness to juxtapose each other and showing what are the positive and negative times for the individual in this journey. The colour orange in stanza 4 is a symbolism for an element of hope. Hope that this individual will get used to be on their own and finding their way around through life â€Å"And out beyond the tomato stake patch of the yachts, with their orange lights†juxtaposed to the darkness symbolised in stanza 6 â€Å"the longer white feel nervously about in the blackness†this is also symbolic of a negative time as the person is nervous in a dark world trying to find the light to turn their world positive again. The technique shown in these quotes can be symbolism, juxtaposition and the re-occurring motif of the colour. This shows the audience when the journey can be great or when the journey can be tough. This is a way of Robert Gray showing his notion of journey in The Late Ferry. Shaun Tan and The Red Tree uses also uses symbolism and metaphors to create knowledge to the reader by clearly showing what journey they are on and what sort of journey it could be for the individual in the text. On the page where the girl is bottled up on a beach we can see what is happening in her life and why she is feeling this way. The writing on the page says, â€Å"no one understands†by it stating this and the picture of her to go with it we can see that the technique being used by Shaun Tan is social distance; she is distancing herself away from everyone, as no one understands her feelings she is going through. We feel as if she has been dehumanized and left to suffer, we show sympathy towards her. The notion of journey is being explored by Shaun Tan in this as we get so many emotions and right away we realise it is a personal, emotional journey. In The Red Tree we also explore journey through the image in frame 4, we are exposed to the idea that journeys can offer a change in perspective, ideals and behaviors. She is experiencing an inner emotional journey that is displayed through her being in a bottle and the message is on the shore instead of being in the bottle. This is represented through the dull colours- dark blue and black. These are symbolic of the type of journey she is on. We give empathy to this girl as we get the feeling that no one wants to talk to her and no one likes to her their emotions all bottled up. Through both the texts The Late Ferry and The Red Tree journey is explored and depicted by the usage of symbolism and colours. Although both composers are using the same techniques the type of journey is completely different to one another. Ultimately both composers clearly display in their text what is happening throughout the whole time of this experience for the individual. How to cite Robert Gray, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Salmon Essays - Fish, Anthrozoology, Salmon, Oncorhynchus
Salmon What species would travel over 2000 miles just to have young and then die? It has been said that anyone who has not seen a wild salmon has not seen what a fish should be. Salmon was the common name applied to fish characterized by an elongated body covered with small, rounded scales and a fleshy fin between the dorsal fin and tail. In this paper I will be discussing history of studying salmon, the life cycle, spawning and mating behaviors; which has much to do with the total reproduction of salmon. Salmon were studied earlier than some may think. Experiments were done by men that date back to the mid-1600s. These experiments involved catching salmon in fresh water, tagging them, and then catching them again when they return to the same place, around six months later. These experiments were doubtful and it was not until the beginning of the 1900's that proof was available that the salmon returned home. (Shearer) Although usually drab in color before the breeding season, which varies with the species, members of the salmon family develop bright hues at spawning time. The male, during this mating season, usually develops a hooked snout and a humped back. "In many diverse taxa, males of the same species often exhibit multiple mating strategies. One well-documented alternative male reproductive pattern is 'female mimicry,' whereby males assume a female-like morphology or mimic female behavior patterns. In some species males mimic both female morphology and behavior. We report here female mimicry in a reptile, the red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). This form of mimicry is unique in that it is expressed as a physiological feminization. Courting male red-sided garter snakes detect a female-specific pheromone and normally avoid courting other males. However, a small proportion of males release a pheromone that attracts other males, as though they were females. In the field, mating aggregations of 5-17 males were observed formed around these individual attractive males, which we have termed 'she-males.' In competitive mating trials, she-males mated with females significantly more often than did normal males, demonstrating not only reproductive competence but also a possible selective advantage to males with this female-like pheromone." In the competitive mating trials, the she-males were successful in 29 out of 42 trials. The normal males won out in only 13! The authors ask the question: Why aren't all males she-males given such an advantage? (Mason, Robert T., and Crews, David; "Female Mimicry in Garter Snakes," Nature, 316:59, 1985.) Comment. Among the fishes, bluegills and salmon (and probably many others) have female-appearing males competing with normal males. Abstract: The influence of sperm competition and individual mating behaviour in an externally fertilizing species of fish, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), is estimated from video observations of multiple-male spawnings and subsequent paternity analyses. One male dominated the paternity during polygamous spawnings, fathering more than 80% of the progeny in a single nest. Behavioural analyses of the spawnings showed that the first-mating male had sperm precedence in 6 out of 10 cases. In three of the other spawnings, sperm limitation likely influenced individual success, as the first-mating male had participated in a large number of spawnings. In the final, nearly simultaneous spawning, male size was more important than the 0.6-s difference in spawning times. Thus, male fertilization success can be influenced by a variety of factors, including sperm precedence, male size, and spawning history. Back to Table of Contents Before mating, one parent excavates a nest for the eggs; after the eggs are deposited and fertilized, the female stirs up the stream bottom so that earth and stones cover the eggs and protect them. The eggs hatch in two weeks to six months, depending on the species and the water temperature. During the migrations and nest-building activity that precede mating, neither the females nor the males consume food. In the life cycle of the pacific salmon, nature recycles the parents to feed the babies. Mature salmon leave the Pacific Ocean as saltwater fish, never again to eat as they battle their way up the Columbia River to spawn in the home stream where they were born. Those born in the upper reaches of the Columbia River's tributary stream, the Snake River, travel more than 1,000 miles inland to lay their eggs and fertilize them, roughly one fourth of the distance across the United States. Without enough reserves in their bodies to get back to the Pacific, the adult salmon spawn and die. To spawn, a female salmon scoops a nest in stream-bottom gravel by waving her tail and deposits her eggs in
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